Earlier this year, I wrote the post Selenium for Coronavirus, Agriculture for Public Health where I hypothesized that selenium sufficiency could be a useful and powerful tool to reduce susceptibility to enveloped viral infections, including coronavirus. That link has now been found and validated. Emerging research indicates there is indeed a connection between selenium status within a population and Covid 19 cure rate.1 You can read a popular article describing the findings here.

Influenza and coronaviruses have been around for a while. We know vaccines are ineffective against the flu because of rapid mutations. The same is likely to be true of coronavirus vaccines.

What if we had the collective desire to develop preventive approaches based on producing food as medicine on scale, and ensured that all the food crops had generous levels of selenium as Finland did?

1. Zhang, J., Taylor, E. W., Bennett, K., Saad, R. & Rayman, M. P. Association between regional selenium status and reported outcome of COVID-19 cases in China. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (2020) doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqaa095.