No matter what form of production agriculture you are involved with, Quality Agriculture is a must read.
— Gabe Brown
This is a must-read for everyone who farms and everyone who eats.
— Robert Quinn
If you garden, farm, or just enjoy the ecological world, build the correct foundation in your mind by reading this book.
— Ray Archuleta
This book offers valuable insight into a path forward to enhance our soils for generations to come and to provide the quantity and quality of food we need for food security.
— Jerry Hatfield
There are many professional growers and agricultural scientists with incredible agronomic knowledge whose work is not widely known.
The intent of the podcast is to share their information about the extraordinary capabilities of regenerative agriculture systems, and the science to put these management practices together.
I interview producers and scientists who are on the cutting edge of regenerative agriculture research and practice. Every episode will inspire you with ideas and descriptions of agronomic science you won’t hear anywhere else. Click to subscribe, and listen on any podcast platform.

Agronomic science is very multifaceted. There are a lot of dots to connect. It isn’t possible to describe all the important connections in a podcast episode or a webinar.
The Regenerative Agriculture Academy is home to a developing series of online courses where we deep dive into the systems and science in a clear and understandable way.
John regularly teaches in-depth two-day workshops where he focuses on answering the challenges that producers bring to the conversation. Courses happen based on when and where you tell us you would like to attend.
Our first course will be held on July 21st and 22nd in West Union, Iowa, and will be focused on broad-acre crops. You can learn more about this course here.
If you are interested in attending a two-day intensive course, click here to tell us a bit about yourself, and let us know what times and locations would work best for you. We will let you know about upcoming events as they are planned.
“John has a way of combining an extreme amount of technical information that he has acquired through studying both literature and extensive field observation and putting it into a course that you can take home and apply. I’m not sure where else you could get this level of information and the various facets of plant and soil health all packaged for you.” ~ Lisa Rettinger

“This course is a very thorough and comprehensive look at the complex plant/soil/microbiome system. John is incredibly wise, knowledgeable, and passionate with a tremendous depth of understanding of the subject matter and is very effective and talented at communicating his vast knowledge base to his students. Highly recommended!!” ~ Randy Meyer
Webinars with a group of growers occur frequently.
A few recent webinars are below, dozens of recorded webinars are available on YouTube here.
John is available to be on a webinar or video conference with your group. You can begin the set up by completing this questionnaire.
John Kempf is the founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture, a regenerative agronomy consulting company, and the host of the Regenerative Agriculture Podcast. He is known for developing crop nutrition management systems that increase yields and profitability while reducing the need for fertilizers and pesticides. He has been teaching growers around the world the principles and practices of these regenerative agriculture systems for the past 15 years. It is John’s mission to have regenerative agriculture become the mainstream globally by 2040.
John believes regenerative agriculture management systems can:
- regenerate producer profitability and create economic incentives for producers
- produce crops that are inherently resistant to possible infections by insects, bacteria, fungi, nematodes and viruses, eliminating the need for pesticides.
- produce food that can regenerate public health, with an elevated content of immune compounds that transfer plant immunity to livestock and people, providing food as medicine.
- rapidly sequester carbon, build soil organic matter much faster than commonly expected, restore hydrological cycles, cool the climate, and reduce the water requirements of a crop.
All of these benefits and more can be achieved simply by managing soils and crops differently, in a manner that enhances rather than suppressing biological function.
In John’s workshops and webinars, he teaches growers at every scale the principles and techniques of managing plant nutrition and farm ecosystems to enhance biological function and achieve all these benefits and more.
In addition to founding Advancing Eco Agriculture, John is the founder of Crop Health Labs, and the social network KindHarvest. On the Regenerative Agriculture Podcast, he interviews top growers and scientists about the principles and practice of implementing regenerative agriculture on a large scale. John is a farmer, father, and avid beekeeper.
John is passionate about making a difference and sharing information. He occasionally presents at conferences when he is available.
John wants to be impactful and understand the audience as well as possible. If you are interested in having John speak at your event please complete this questionnaire.
This document will save us time and hassle.
Here are four important articles on how to have a great event.
If you would like to find my posts on social media you can find them here:
On KindHarvest
KindHarvest is the best place to connect with me and ask questions, and interact with other growers who are using regenerative agriculture practices. I am not very active on other social media platforms. You can find me here.
Advancing Eco Agriculture Youtube Channel with recorded webinars and presentations is here.
Podcasts, where John has been interviewed, are here.
On Twitter
Blog posts and other items are at @realJohnKempf.
On Linkedin
Blog posts and other items are posted here.
Subscribe to the Advancing Eco Agriculture newsletter here.
I provide background consulting and agronomic problem solving through the consulting team at Advancing Eco Agriculture. If you have specific suggestions for the blog or podcast, or questions you would like for me to answer in a blog post, please send me an email to john at john kempf .com. For agronomic consulting or advice, please connect directly with the AEA team at info at advancing eco ag .com.