Hi Friends!

The prevailing paradigm today is that agriculture is somehow, by its very nature, inherently extractive. There is a widely held belief that the process of farming degrades soils and landscapes. Unfortunately, it is often the case that farming has a degrading effect, but it doesn’t need to be this way.

I envision a world where the process of growing food regenerates the land, revitalizes rural communities, produces food that improves our health, and leads to farming landscapes that are beautiful. Vibrant. And clean.

The vision (and the reality) that agriculture, the source of so many challenges in our world today, has the capacity to be the solution to each of those challenges is so inspiring.

It is this inspiration that motivated me to found Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA). Since 2006, we have pioneered the development of regenerative growing systems in all types of challenging environments. We have:

We know we have the tools, but the why behind regeneration is the key.

Regeneration needs to be much deeper than just regenerating soil health. Regeneration is fundamentally about regenerating landscapes at all levels. Relationships between soil biology and plants, between livestock and the landscape, between farmers and eaters. But for us, right in this moment, we desire to develop relationships with our supporters, our customers, and our team. Regenerating relationships means shifting relationships to be deeply collaborative, symbiotic, and synergistic, rather than the transactional and extractive relationships that prevail in the contemporary agribusiness world of today.

I invite you to invest in our work at Advancing Eco Agriculture, contribute to creating the better world we know is possible, and participate in changing the way food is grown around the world.

Together, we have the opportunity to create change, to revitalize rural communities and our food systems, and transform our planet. Please share this opportunity with those who share our values.

Hang on for the ride,

John Kempf

Founder & Chief Vision Officer