Tight node spacing on cotton for high yields

Cotton is commonly grown with high rates of nitrogen and multiple aggressive PGR applications to keep internodes tight and increase yields. If you think that is a bit like driving by holding both the accelerator and the brake to the floor, you would be correct.

In this podcast episode on vegetative vs reproductive nutrients, I describe how to manage nutrition to produce rapid vegetative growth and tightly spaced nodes at the same time, producing high yields and high-quality fiber at the same time.

The nutrition on this field has been managed differently than the mainstream. Instead of having excessive vegetative growth, this field has almost too little, partially because of cover crop residue tying up nitrogen. No PGRs have been applied, node spacing is tight, and the crop is on track for an exceptional yield.

And isn’t the photo just beautiful? Life in agriculture is just awesome, isn’t it?

P.S. I am hosting a Book Discussion on the questions and ideas you raised from Quality Agriculture, tomorrow, August 28th, at 12:00 EDT. You can register here and bring your questions! See you then.