
Soil and plant health in relation to dynamic sustainment of Eh and pH homeostasis: A review

We understand that organisms which are called ‘pathogens’ can be present in the soil, on the leaf surface, and even inside the plant without causing disease, without being virulent.

We know that there are a number of factors which can trigger virulence. The factors can be related to microbiome diversity, nutritional integrity or climactic stress. We can pool these factors together and term them ‘environment’.

This is the basis for the quote “Environment determines genetic expression”, in regards to potentially virulent organisms.

The question we should be asking is “What is the environment required for this specific organism to become pathogenic?”.

The question Olivier Husson has been asking is “What is the model that universally describes when plants and soil are the corect environment for organisms to become pathogenic?”

I am excited to introduce you to the MUST READ paper that answers this question. There is more valuable information contained in this paper than I can properly introduce in short post. Please read it. You will be delighted.

This paper is a longer read at 57 pages. Print it, spend some time with it. You will be glad you did.

Soil and plant health in relation to dynamic sustainment of Eh and pH homeostasis: A review

For more background information on Olivier’s extraordinary work on redox, click his name in the blog index to find his other articles, podcast episode, and his in-depth free course on Academy.Regen.Ag

2021-07-16T15:14:34-05:00July 21st, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , |

Free online course from academy.regen.ag

Imagine being able to identify the groups of diseases or insects your crops might be susceptible to, well before they are present. 

Imagine knowing exactly how to manage nitrogen and nutrition applications to prevent possible infections from occurring. 

Both of there are possible and more when we understand redox, and the ways different products and management practices influence soil redox poising and balance. 

Olivier Husson is the best instructor I know in describing the impact and opportunities in managing redox activity in our soils. I interviewed Olivier for an introduction to the topic on the podcast here.

I very highly recommend his in-depth course that is available for free on the Academy titled: Redox Potential: Eh and pH as Indicators of Soil, Plant, and Animal Health and Quality

You will be surprised and delighted with the knowledge you gain. 

2020-03-27T15:22:21-05:00March 28th, 2020|Tags: , |

The Agronomy of the future

Will not be based on chemistry but on biophysics and biology.

In the future, soil analysis will not be looking only at mineral balance and nutrient levels, but at the levels of amino acids, peptides, enzymes, carbohydrates, and other compounds that plant roots can absorb from the microbial community.

Agronomists will look at soil paramagnetism, redox, and electrical conductivity to evaluate a soil’s capacity to deliver to crop yields and quality.

Crop scouts will measure plant leaf redox and electrical activity to determine disease and insect susceptibility, and determine what treatments to apply to prevent possible infections.

The emerging knowledge of this space that is becoming more widely known is extremely exciting.

I posted a few weeks ago about Olivier Husson’s work on redox. His work is much broader and deeper than can be described in the referenced papers. He has been kind enough to appear on the podcast and to share his work in-depth in a six-hour-long webinar that we made available as a free online course on the academy that you can find here.

This will be the agronomy of the future. Enjoy.


2020-05-05T08:58:03-05:00February 12th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

Redox as a driver of soil/plant/microorganism systems

Contemporary mechanistic agriculture has been based largely on the development of genetics and chemistry. 

The regenerative agriculture systems emphasize the development of biology and biophysics.

All the evidence points to an emerging agricultural revolution that will supersede the so-called “green revolution”, and exceed it in terms of crop quality and yield and economic returns to the producer. 

Since I first started working in this space I have been fascinated by the volume and integrity of high-quality science in the biophysics space that has not been utilized by mainstream agriculture, yet holds so much promise. 

One such topic is the role of soil redox in developing disease suppressive soils and regulating nutrient availability. Redox has at least as big an impact on nutrient availability as pH does.

Here is an important and foundational review paper1 that will get you started on this important topic.  Look for a more on this in the coming months. 

  1. Husson, O. Redox potential (Eh) and pH as drivers of soil/plant/microorganism systems: a transdisciplinary overview pointing to integrative opportunities for agronomy. Plant Soil 362, 389–417 (2013).


2020-05-05T08:57:27-05:00December 30th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |
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